
Man In The Dark 33

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Chapter 33


“Y-you all...wh-why are you here?!” Siesta stammered, taken aback.

“...well, that's a nice way to greet us.” Kirche grumbled, straightening her shirt as she and Louise caught up, recovering from their latest spat. “And after the Zero got herself so worked up about it too.”

“Oh be quiet, nobody asked you to come along, Zerbst.” Louise shot back. “The only reason you even poked your nose in was because-”

“Von Talon.” Tabitha said flatly, effectively shutting them both up.

“E-eh?” Siesta blinked. “Von Talon...? What's going on?”

Tabitha simply stared at her, expression unreadable. Then she looked past her, up the stairs with a meaningful expression.

“Ah, er...r-right, you are here to see the Count...?” Hastily, the maid recovered her bearings. “This way, if you please?”

As Tabitha set off after Siesta, Louise made to follow, only for a sudden grip on her shoulder to stop the pink haired mage in her tracks.

“Kirche, what...?” She stopped at the uncharacteristically wary look on the taller woman's face.

“ careful.” Kirche's eyes never left the back of Tabitha as she ascended the stairs. “I don't know what's going on here, but I've never seen Tabitha this edgy. Whatever we ran into when we walked in, it's more than we thought.”

Louise followed her gaze, frowning slightly.

“Now that you mention it, she does seem a bit more pushy than usual...I figured she just wanted to get this over with to get back to her books though.”

“...honestly, if I had to guess, I'd say it's a fifty-fifty tossup between that...thing at the door, and  Darling.” A sly smile played across the Germanian's full lips. “She's good at hiding it, but I think even Tabitha is interested in him to an extent.”

“Maybe...” Louise replied, her expression troubled as she looked back the way they had come, not really paying attention. For some reason, she suspected, it was the effect at the door which seemed to be concerning Tabitha more, regardless of Kirche's feverish fantasies.

Shaking her head, she turned and headed up the stairs as well.


The study was fortunately not too far away, so Louise was only forced to put up with the Count's overwhelmingly tacky sense of interior decoration for a blessedly short length of time. Even more lucky, the study seemed to have been rather lightly passed over by that sense of decoration, with most of the walls taken up by several bookcases.

Ignoring the large desk at the far end of the room, as she assumed that was likely where the Count himself would be seated once he arrived, she headed towards one of the sofas arranged nearby. The Zero was far from composed, but for the sake of what they were here to do, it was important that she maintain the appearance of it at least.

That plan, regrettably, was shelved as the maid shifted closer.

“Um...miss Valliere, what's going on...?”

For a moment, Louise debated on her course of action. Siesta was for better or for worse, at the center of it all, so in a way, it wasn't entirely wrong to blame her for this whole mess. On the other...Louise knew better than to believe that. The maid was a plebeian, and therefore it was no more than her own poor luck that she had ended up caught in the daily webs of intrigue spun by the nobility.

Plus, even the Valliere heir had to admit, it had been...relaxing, having someone else around that understood her enigmatic familiar, at least in part.

She sighed.

“There has been a slight...problem, regarding your departure from the Academy.”

Siesta paled.

“Oh no...w-was there something wrong with my work? I did my best to do everything that was asked of me, and I even made sure the other maids would be able to take over my shifts, and and-”

Louise cut her off with a hasty gesture, a somewhat disturbed look on her face.

“N-no no, nothing like that...” She replied quickly, doing her best to keep a controlled, calm expression.

'That reaction was...strange, even for a servant.' She wondered. 'She seemed fine when we arrived, if surprised to see us, but otherwise...'

It was then Louise came to the realization that despite her role as a plebeian, and her supposed resignation to the fate of becoming Count Mott's mistress, Siesta was secretly terrified.

It was also at that moment that Louise became confronted with the deeply disturbing realization that, for all her own talk of plebeians and nobility, and the responsibilities of wasn't quite so easy to just rationalize it like that when you realized that without those titles...Siesta was just a girl the same age as her.

For a moment, she remembered her words to Von Talon about nobility and about the Count, and once again, the haunting feeling of...something shameful when the draconian CEO had stared at her.

Why...why was it suddenly so hard to think of such things now?!

Gritting her teeth, Louise took a deep breath and straightened up.

After a moment, she exhaled, her expression smooth once more.

“Everything is fine, Siesta.” The Zero said flatly. “There was just...a little disagreement about your being assigned to the Count on such short notice. I...we, came to sort it out before any...”

She paused for a moment, searching for an appropriate word to describe this entire mess.

“...misunderstandings...occur.” She said finally, cringing inwardly at the understatement.

Siesta blinked, puzzled now.

“Er...I don't quite understand.” The maid said slowly, her tone uncertain. “Does the Academy wish to contest the Count's request...?”

For a moment, the faint flicker of hope in Siesta's eyes hurt Louise tremendously, almost as much as seeing the reliable and familiar made forced into such an outrageous outfit.

“Not...exactly.” She hedged, looking away. “The point is, someone does, and in the interest of maintaining a cordial relationship with the palace, who are represented by their envoy Count Mott, we are here to see if an agreement can be reached.”

The lie fell from Louise's lips with an ease that disturbed her...though not as much as the fact that, for better or worse, that was exactly what they had come here to do. Even if she hadn't been willing to actually put it into words during the entire trip here, it did not change the truth of that statement.

“I see...” Rather than look elated, however, Siesta seemed...cautious, as if thinking it over. At first Louise opened her mouth to ask, but then closed it, as the newer, more troublesome part of her mind began to fill in the blanks.

As a noble herself, Louise had been privy to a few...complicated deals with other nobles, usually by watching the way her mother or father handled it. What occurred to her now as a result of that was the fact that, fundamentally, disputes or agreements between nobles all assumed they were of relatively equal standing...whereas in this case, Siesta was a plebeian, and therefore with no power of her own.

All of which meant that where someone like Louise would have gracefully accepted, Siesta was instead forced to think it over and consider how the outcome would affect her.

...being a plebeian subject to the whims of those like Count Mott was a truly terrible fate, Louise decided finally, something inside her hardening. It hadn't all been just simple justification that she'd told Von Talon about her beliefs in how a noble should behave. Despite everything, that was what she truly believed in as a noble herself, in the duty and responsibility such a status came with. Seeing this now...she believed in it more than ever, and made a personal oath that she would find a way to live up to that someday, if only to balance out the behavior of those like Mott who would abuse it.

Finally, Siesta gave a cautious smile.

“Thank you, miss Louise. I...admit I don't understand the strange circumstances behind this, but...” She bowed. “Thank you for being the one to come negotiate this for the sake of a lowly maid like myself.”

This, at least, Louise was familiar with. Shelving her more troublesome thoughts, she nodded.

“I-it's the least I can do.” The Zero folded her arms and looked away. “Besides, Von is troublesome enough as is, I'd rather not have to deal with him sulking because of this.”

“Mister Von Talon...?!” Siesta gasped. “B-but I told him not to worry!”

There was a snort off to the side, Kirche settling into one of the couches.

“Somehow I doubt that, little maid.” She grinned. “He deeeeeefinitely seemed pretty put-out when he found out where you'd gone.”

Siesta opened her mouth to respond, but the sound of approaching footsteps made her snap it closed again.

“...I believe the Count has arrived.” She said, her voice as coolly level as when she had first greeted them. Without another word, she bowed and quickly retreated towards the door. Just as she vanished, another door (hidden unobtrusively on another side of the room, Kirche noted with interest) clicked open and the Count stepped into the room.

Why anyone would go to the bother of concealing a door and yet not muffle the sound of their footsteps, Tabitha would never understand. As she caught sight of the man, however, she realized it was a waste to try.

The Count matched the few descriptions Louise had heard of him from her parents, and more accurately matched the glimpse of him she remembered seeing from Von Talon's...outburst. Portly, but not obese, gleaming rings on his fingers, and for some reason he favored one of those ridiculous ruffled collars she'd never really seen the appeal in. Adding to the effect were a pair of ridiculously styled eyebrows, the ends curled up to match the similar effect of his thin mustache.

All in all...he was honestly unremarkable, for a noble, nothing at all like the immoral degenerate he was supposed to be.

...then again, Von Talon had a humanoid shape, but Louise was rapidly beginning to suspect that he was anything but human.

Count Mott gave a theatrical bow, cloak flaring out behind him.

“I must say, I was not expecting guests at this hour of the evening, but when my guards informed me that three beautiful young women-” His gaze moved from Kirche with obvious approval, to Louise with...marginally less enjoyment, then downright confusion at Tabitha, before he recovered, continuing with practiced ease, “-urgently wished for an audience with me, how could I refuse?”

Controlling the twitch she knew was developing in her eyebrow, Louise reminded herself of her upbringing, and responded in kind.

“In that case, sir Count, then allow me on behalf of the de Valliere family to be the first to thank you for granting us this late audience. It is a matter of some urgency, and we greatly appreciate your consideration in the matter.”

There, she had given her family name to establish her ranking in the hierarchy of nobles, a suitable opening against the Count's position as Royal Envoy. That at least would ensure the legitimacy of her position here, if not much else. The fact that she had left Tabitha and Kirche's introductions out was both a form of courtesy (ensuring they would not be caught up in any blunders she might make), and also serving as a slight edge, leaving the Count to ponder on their role in things.

Which honestly she didn't particularly think was that significant, but he didn't need to know that.

For his part, Mott simply hummed noncommittally in response, straightening up and making his way to the desk.

“Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, down to business.” He replied, pouring himself a glass of wine from the bottle on the tabletop before him. “What brings the heir to the Valliere name and her two companions to my estate at this hour?”

“ concerns the matter of the maid you have recently requested from the Academy of Magic.” Louise said flatly. “At the time, she had been assigned to serve the needs of myself and my recently summoned familiar, so the discovery that she had been reassigned so abruptly was something of an unpleasant shock.”

She heard Kirche shift behind her, but didn't dare to look. She knew why, too, because that last part had been a flagrant lie. Siesta had never really been officially assigned to her, but rather had only assisted due to her peculiar fascination with Von Talon. Fortunately, (a bizarre choice of words, in her judgement), a request approved by the palace, like Mott had no doubt possessed, meant that he wouldn't have bothered to check such a thing in the first place, as his authority would roll right over any prior claims.

In short, there was no legitimate way for Louise to overturn his request...but given the small timeframe, her sole hope for victory lay in making a total inconvenience of the entire thing so that the Count would pass it up out of sheer exasperation and pursue a less troublesome target.

...and also having the happy result that no one would have to find out just what Von Talon planned to do when he got here.

Surprisingly though, the Count only gave an aggravated sigh, lowering his glass as he settled into his chair.

“And as a result, I assume that means you're here with the intent of taking her back?” He said coolly, looking not at all surprised. “Honestly, I would be lying if I said I wasn't just a little disappointed.”

“Wh-what?” Whatever she had been expecting, it certainly wasn't that.

“You know as well as I do that you have no grounds nor authority to make that claim against me, as even your family privilege does not surpass my own.” Setting the glass down, he looked back at her with an almost bored expression.

“Little Valliere, exactly how long do you think I have been doing this for? Don't answer that, I know it has been more than long enough for my so-called reputation to have reached even your innocent virgin ears.” The Count chuckled at the flicker of mortification crossing her face. “You are far from being the first to take issue with my choice of plebeian servants, and no doubt you will be far from last as well. I can't tell you how many times I have done this, only to have another of my wretched peers bursting through my doors, all righteous indignation and disturbed pride, demanding satisfaction.”

Taking another sip, completely at ease with his frank admissions, he looked back up at her with a complete lack of interest.

“So no, I don't think I will rescind my request for the maid Siesta. Wonderful girl, that...I've grown quite fond of her bountiful...” He let the sentence trail off for a moment, long enough to see Louise's hand curl into a fist at her side. “...good nature and willingness to work.”

Resisting the urge to growl at his mocking smile, Louise felt her nails dig into her palm. So much for being an inconvenience...if the Count really had done this before, then he was no doubt well-inured to anything she could throw at him.

“Be that as it may,” She went on, proud of the way her voice managed to stay level, “She is my maid, and therefore by extension, a maid and servant of the Valliere family. To that extent, we are willing to pay for her safe return if there is no other option.”

Count Mott actually laughed at that.

“Pay me? With what? I'm sorry, little Valliere, but I have turned down offers from people with access to far more than just a student's allowance!” As his chuckles died down, he leaned on the desk and fixed her with a piercing stare. “You represent the Vallieres in name only, child, and unless you happen to have something I want, badly enough to give up a delightful new mistress...”

He leaned back, throwing his arms wide to encompass the opulence of the room, an unspoken statement off his superiority.

“I hardly think there is much point to continuing this conversation, do you?”

How difficult would it be, Louise wondered idly, to clear the desk and sink her fist into the other man's face? Maybe it had been the long day, or maybe it was the fact that Von Talon could arrive at any moment, or maybe it was just the overwhelmingly smug sense of superiority that seemed to pour off of Count Mott with each rebuttal, she didn't know. Probably it was due to the fact that this had been practically a losing battle from the get-go, and being forced to endure the Count being anything but a graceful winner was incredibly frustrating.

For the first time, she began to realize how much she appreciated Von Talon's simple, blunt way of thinking...and how much she would appreciate it at this moment.

“...then it's a good thing we DO have something you want, isn't it~?”

Startled out of her reverie, Louise turned as a hand fell on her shoulder, Kirche giving her a wink as she moved past, slowly straightening up in such a manner that guaranteed the Count would have ample time to appreciate the way her shirt pulled tight against the front of her dusky body.

“W-we do?!” Louise gaped, thrown for a loop.

“Do you now?” The Count raised an eyebrow, looking moderately surprised for the first time this evening.

In response, Kirche straightened up, cocking one hip and pressing a hand to her chest.

“Allow me to introduce myself...I am Kirche Augusta Frederica von Anhalt Zerbst, heir to the Zerbst family.”

She let that name hang in the air for a second, an almost catlike grin on her features, Louise staring up at her in confusion.

The Count, on the other hand, was significantly less perplexed. Eyes widening, he shot to his feet.

“Did you say Zerbst...?!”

Giggling at the desired reaction, Kirche gave Louise a coy wink before turning to the Count with a sly smile.

“Indeed...and I think you can guess what I mean by having something you want, yes?” Her smile widened. “Your interest in our family heirloom is quite well known to us Zerbst, after all~”

Mott grimaced, looking ill at ease for the first time in the evening.

“ knew?! But how...?!”

Seeing his discomfort, Kirche gave Louise a sideways glance.

“His tastes don't just run to pretty little things in frilly skirts.” She murmured with satisfaction. “See the shelves? He's also a book collector, and a big one at that. He's been after the Zerbst family heirloom for AGES.”

“Yes, and despite many of my best attempts, none have even come close.” He growled. “Why the devil are you here now, and in the company of a Valliere no less? Your families are supposed to be at borderline war with one another!”

“Well, you know our family motto, don't you~?” Hips swaying, Kirche strutted forward with a playful smirk on her features. One hand drifted to the waistline of her skirt, the Count swallowing as she ever so slightly tugged it downwards.

“Make love, not war.” Letting that statement hang there just long enough to hear Louise making the first choking sounds of incoherent embarrassment and outrage...she promptly released her skirt, revealing the slim tome, wrapped in a hardened leather case that had been tucked into the waistband of her skirt.

“So, how about it, sir Count?” The Germanian rested a hand on the desk. “Do you reaaaaaaaaaaaally want to hold onto that maid so badly?”
God damn this took forever to write.

Honestly speaking I'm not sure if that was just because of the content or because of my RL situation, what with jobhunting and so forth (Though now I have one, I'm probably gonna have to sort out work hours now for my continued projects)

Frankly I have almost NO confidence in my portrayal of any of the characters in here, especially Count Mott who I am desperately trying to avoid falling into the trap of stereotypes with.

Not to mention it's really hard to do this without sliding back on all the development I did for Siesta previously.

In general...honestly I have no idea what else to say about this one beyond the fact it was hard as hell all around, a lot 'quieter' than the usual chapter, and a lot more focused on canon characters, like much of this arc has been.

So yeah...apologies for any major out of character moments, it's just a bit difficult handling them all without flanderizing the lot or botching it.

With that said, off to Armored Gensokyo!

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outbreak21093's avatar
Ohh boy, ohh boy... The only exposure to Count Motts I've had has been through a certain popular Yuuka Kazami insert, so I'm loving what I see! I feel as if your Kirche is pretty spot-on with expectations, and Tabitha is... Tabitha. Things are rather interesting all around, to be honest.